T-Network Tuner Simulator With License Key Free [Win/Mac]

– Super simple to use!
– Very accurate simulator.
– Load calibration:
– – A- B- C- D- E- F-
– – I- J- K- L- M- N-
– – O- P- Q- R- S- T-
– – U- V- W- X- Y- Z-
– If there is a problem with your simulator, you can make a note on the issue on this website, and I’ll take a look at it. I’m usually very busy so it may take a while to get back to you.
– Easy to use.
– The T-Network simulator can emulate any transformer-based or capacitor-based T-network:
– – AC/DC converter / AC to AC, AC to DC, DC to AC
– – 40 dB amplifier / attenuator
– – 50 ohm line / line to line, line to load, load to load, load to line
– – 1:10 line-to-ground transformer
– – 1:3 line-to-line transformer
– – 90° line-to-line transformer
– – 90° line-to-ground transformer
– – 90° load-to-load transformer
– – 90° load-to-line transformer
– – 90° load-to-ground transformer
– – 1:3 line-to-line transformer
– – 1:3 load-to-load transformer
– – 1:3 load-to-ground transformer
– – 3 dB amplifier / attenuator
– – 6 dB amplifier / attenuator
– – 10 dB amplifier / attenuator
– – 50 ohm line / line to line, line to load, load to load, load to line
– – 50 ohm line / line to line, line to load, load to load, load to line
– – 50 ohm line / line to line, line to load, load to load, load to line
– – 50 ohm line / line to line, line to load, load to load, load to line
– – 1:10 line-to-ground transformer
– – 1:3 line-to-line transformer
– – 1:3 load-to-load transformer
– – 1:3 load-to-ground transformer
– – 3 dB amplifier / attenuator
– – 6 dB amplifier / attenuator

T-Network Tuner Simulator Incl Product Key

Sockso Network Tuner Simulator – T-Network Simulator. In the hands of the best network tuner, the ultimate in modern radio, the Sockso Network Tuner, an excellent tuner is a lot easier to use than the conventional network tuner, the T-Network. Because of the compact, hand-held design, the tuner can be used anywhere, even while out walking or running on the trails or beach. It is a very reliable tuner, though not as powerful as other network tuners, it is a good tuner for everyone. The large LCD is easy to read, and the software has been designed to make the operation of the tuner very simple.
The main function of this software is to simulate the Sockso Network Tuner, but to do so in a way that is easy to use and works with any digital computer, not just those with Windows. At the same time, it allows the user to select the T-Network for his or her radio. With this tuner, you can choose the T-network you want to simulate or you can use a different network. The loss is shown in dB on the screen. With the “Autotune” button, the software will attempt to automatically tune the components to the desired T-network. It also has a digital tuner and the use of a digital T-network can be simulated. The simulation works for any digital computer, no matter what operating system. The tuner can be used with any antenna connected to the tuner with coaxial or I.F. connectors. There are no cables.
*Detailed features of the software
– Uses the most popular and reliable T-Network and can simulate it.
– The simulation of the T-Network can be selected and it is possible to select a different T-Network.
– The loss shown on the LCD of the tuner is in dB.
– The simulation can be made to start with or without a station.
– Allows the use of different digital tuners and I.F. filters.
– All operations are done on a digital computer.
– Allows the user to record the results of the simulation.
– Allows for simulation of a different T-Network, in case the selected one does not simulate the T-Network you want.
– Allows simulation of the following T-Networks:


T-Network Tuner Simulator Crack Free Download

T-Network Tuner Simulator is a software tool that simulates the behavior of T-network tuners. A T-network tuner is a circuit that contains a couple of inductor/capacitor pairs connected by resistors, where the resistors are adjusted to make the network appear to the tuner to be tuned to a certain frequency. T-network tuners are a popular way to do SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) calibration on a set of test equipment or frequency counter, because they are relatively inexpensive, relatively easy to build, and the signal level is dependent on the load, which usually makes them easy to adjust. The SWR meters of such a tuner or frequency counter are used to judge the match quality and the SWR.
There are two ways to use T-Network Tuner Simulator. The first is to set the frequency range of interest and the tuner can be used to match the load to the T-network set of components. The second way is to supply the load to be matched and let the tuner do the SWR calibration. Once set up, the tuning knobs are used to fine tune the load SWR and the simulation will automatically rerun until it is done.
T-Network Tuner Simulator is a simple application which makes it easy to load a T-network tuner with a certain SWR. It will also allow you to perform a SWR calibration and fine tune the T-network. It is available for windows 98 and later and can be used on win 7 or higher. You can also get the source code for this application.
T-Network Tuner Simulator is a freeware application written in Delphi.
The following utilities are available for download

Feedback on T-Network Tuner Simulator

T-Network Tuner Simulator is a freeware application written in Delphi.
The following utilities are available for download

Feedback on T-Network Tuner Simulator

T-Network Tuner Simulator is a freeware application written in Delphi.
The following utilities are available for download

Feedback on T-Network Tuner Simulator

Does your frequency counter use a T-Network tuner? Is your frequency counter becoming erratic? Have you tried to calibrate the tuner with a load and can’t get it to match? Did you know that you can use the T-Network tuner on your frequency counter to calibrate your frequency counter for SWR. T-Network Tuner Simulator will help

What’s New in the?

T-Network Tuner Simulator is a software program for simulating the performance of 3-way T-Network and Split-L Band tuners using a C-Network diagram with multiple components.
T-Network Tuner Simulator was written using the Delphi programming language and requires at least Delphi 6 and Windows XP or higher.
Version history:
1.0 Release Date : 10/01/2004
1.1 Add SWR to the tuner component diagram
1.2 Automatically autotunes the tuner components to lower loss
1.3 SWR only on the tuner component diagram
1.4 Add label description for the tuner components
1.4a Support for 2-wire and 3-wire C-Network diagrams
1.5 Support for Split-L Band diagrams
1.6 Add documentation for the program
1.6a Minor bugfixes
1.7 Bugfixes for automation
1.8 Support for Windows 7
1.8a Add or update images
1.8b Add program to run on Android devices
1.9 Add dead-zones to components
1.9a More SWR behavior
1.9b Add more components (23 in total)
1.9c Bugfixes
1.10 Add image(s) for each component
1.10a New function to add the SWR in dB
1.10b Add URL for beta testing of the program
1.10c Add more components to the new interface
1.10d Allow multiple component images to be used
1.10e Add program to generate the SWR and loss for each component
1.10f Bugfixes for the optimization routine
1.11 Add error checking to the optimization routine
1.11a Fix code to allow components to be added or removed after the program starts
1.11b Add tooltips to the diagram components
1.11c Add components to the diagram component list
1.11d Add


System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
CPU: Intel Pentium or AMD Athlon 64 1.6 GHz or faster.
Memory: 1 GB RAM is the minimum. Recommended 2 GB RAM.
Hard Disk: Minimum 250 MB, but recommended 500 MB or more.
Video: 1024×768 (x2) display mode or better.
Video Card: NVIDIA 8400 or above, or ATI X1300 or above.
Sound Card: DirectX 8 compatible
Input device: Keyboard and mouse


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